

Talk with me about it, maybe we can strike a deal. Not guaranteed ofc.(granted you can contact me.)


Thanks for asking actually lol.but uh, i favor cartoon characters and old/visually mature or masculine men. R34 stuff is mostly cool but maybe you have a nice OC or w/e.I tend to lean towards Large/Masculine subs/bottoms, or just generally tops smaller than them.

also something to note. I'm not really all that fetish friendly tbr? (sorry lol) Don't approach me with anything extreme unless you're very certain that it's in my ballpark and/or it's not literally in my 'im not drawing that' page.


  • Incest

  • Animal genetalia

  • Cub (Fucking leave)

  • Tickle stuff

  • Highly feminine characters (sfw stuff fine though)

  • Diapers

  • Bathroom play (farts, scat, piss)

  • Crushing

  • Macro/Micro

  • Vaginal stuff in general

  • Vore

  • Extremely musclebound/hyper characters

  • Yaoi/Bishonen/ characters

  • Excessive fat

  • Femboys/"Thicc" bodytypes (That insanely thick hips type of stuff.)

  • Feet stuff

  • Uhhh....ask about other shit


-additional character prices are additive, barring the free second character, ofc.

$55 / $40

-additional character prices are additive
-orange text is patron-only discounts.

$90 / $65

-additional character prices are additive
-orange text is patron-only discounts.

$120 / $85

-additional character prices are additive
-orange text is patron-only discounts.


2023 FAQ

-Are you going to post to @naughtybassard again?Other than commission openings and the occasional patreon preview, no.

-Are you going to post to any other websites?Patreon first and foremost.some more private circles that are mainly for my friends or people i deem close to me.If you enjoy my art in general there will be at least 2-3 other spots you might find me, you just won't find a lot of what you've been seeing over the years there.

-If you're "Leaving" why are you still posting and making the usual stuff on patreon?I do enjoy drawing things of the sort still, and i know a good handful of people really appreciate what i do and what i do for them. I want less eyes, i don't want to be known so widely for everything anymore.And naturally i really do appreciate the support.

-If you're "Leaving" why are you still doing commissions?If you want the short, cynical answer: Money. We live in a shitty society.If you want the longer one; people do still have interesting ideas that i like and i do like doing some things for people here and there.Also, i know what it's like to find an artist's page you may really like the vibe of after finding pieces on some other site only for them to 100% no longer offering anything it cynical if you like, you can always find another guy drawing hole.

-Why did you leave?Are you sure you want to know?It's a bit of a "sob story" and could come off the wrong way.have fun trying to understand what i'm getting at, though; nobody else has.

-ARG?you know what? fine. have one; i just hope you enjoy what you asked for.

Why that one guy is no longer posting porn.

There's a lot of reasons.One of the main ones was just feeling alone. Despite doing NSFW art, i never really reached the extremes or the intensity others usually did. In these latest few years I've felt a large, huge disconnect from almost every other artist in terms of interest or just what trends or what's commonly accepted and expected.For a good while as i was posting i didn't care all that much about community or who joined me or the like, but after having so many eyes on me all over the place and nobody else really like me it started to feel like i was standing all alone on a stage with a bunch of silent eyes peering into my every move. Sure, not everyone was expecting a lot from me but it just started to get to me, i hated seeing that number get so large and not hear much in return ever. Nobody really knew or knows anything about me in any true sense. I just had a feeling that if i ever did truly do something wrong or make a mistake that the ever growing number would finally come into effect only to crush me.And on the flip side. I have subconsciously used my number to fuel my own ego and downright rude interactions with others. I'd created a Discord server for Patrons and friends, and over the course of the months it existed i grew more and more egotistical and outwardly crude, i ribbed on and tore apart things people enjoyed in front of their faces. My biggest regret was that i was just generally rude and outright malicious to certain people in there just a few steps away from their face and ears. One of them used to be one of my friends. I had been growing away from them, but with the backing and an inflated head i felt justified and emboldened to basically bully and push them around. I was almost completely devoid of self awareness.
I lost another really good friend that i still miss and regret offending and pushing away, and it's only multiplied by the fact that it's an entire group of people who i thought were nice that now want nothing to do with me.
That all is my mistake, i blame nobody but myself for acting like that; but it does stem from me having some weird feeling of being above people due to this growing number that almost all of us in this day and age at least somewhat tie to our self worth for some godforsaken reason.At a certain point i began to question if people really enjoyed my art or just the subjects and situations i offered. That seems like a ridiculous basis, i understand; but it began to gnaw at me that nobody really saw my art or what i was making or doing, rather just swallowing up the specific bits and parts that appealed to them or loosely stroked their fetishes and turning away once they were done. This isn't everybody who follows me, that much i know for sure; but having that feeling equal to the amount of followers i had really began infuriate me.I used to try and post every day, please the twitter algorithm by posting at the right time, stay a little bit trendy, gain those numbers. I didn't speak all that much on Twitter for the sake of keeping myself and my personality out of the account so people could just see the art, like i was some kind of faceless content mill. In these last 3-5 months or so i kind of just gave up on half of that, but even so i still try to post at the times the algorithm deems 'right' just to have eyes on what i created, for people and like minded artists to share around or comment on for me to find some kinship. I found a few, but otherwise it just became tiring to feel like a machine constantly making and pushing out content for a site or general community that doesn't even give it a second glance or sometimes just regards it as a joke. I get it, i did it to myself by going after weirder characters or whatever but after such an extended period of time it stops being funny and gets a little depressing.The sheer amount of times that i have found an account that follows me that deliberately went against the rules and requests i put in place over who and who i don't want interacting with my content is astonishing. The amount of outright child characters in NSFW content I've been exposed to over these years has been insane- maddening, even. Seeing how people either aren't phased by it or are actively arguing and campaigning for it always vexes me. The amount of popular, large artists that i know do the same kind of content under another umbrella but still have the large, devoted, loving following of either woefully ignorant or horrifically aware people was always so upsetting; and it's not like i could call them out, the backlash would be so stressful and I'm just "that one guy who likes ugly dudes." so i just had to sit there and watch all this disgusting shit fly around or be fully aware of how much of it was sludging through the pipes underneath me, clenching my teeth and trying to push it out of my mind. All the times that I've seen things that personally make me want to throw up in my mouth and then directly underneath it find my own art on their same page sets my entire mind ablaze with abject rage in the moment and boils in the back of my mind later.There have been a few instances in the past where I've drawn things i feel fucking awful about making or putting out nowadays because it was just widely accepted or normal to do stuff like age up horrifically young character for porn or draw incest; and i fell right into the fold in either a bid to be 'more like everyone else' or just because it 'felt normal' at the time. It was only a few times but they've burned holes into my mind. To each their fucking own i guess but i am honestly pissed off at all the times that i remember it because nobody directly PUSHED me or DROVE me to do it; i just did it to be more like 'the popular guys'.I'm fucking tired of doing this.
I want to create again. I want to truly create again. I want to create things that mean more. I want to experiment with art again. I want to grow my skill again. I want to make things for myself again, and if i make for others i want to make for those who will truly appreciate and enjoy my effort. I want to stop being watched by so many blank accounts. I want to stop having to find out that absolute fucking degenerates consume what i make. I want to stop feeling pressured to make stuff i either hate or don't give a shit about.
Did you know there was a period in time where i was making nothing but Rule 34 for 2 years straight?Do you know that i have 100+ characters I've created over my life, fantasized about, and have plotted around that i have completely set aside because i went down this path and felt like i needed to put all of my creative energy into it? There are a certain 8 of that large number who carried me through every upsetting if not outright traumatizing sect of my teenage years, for fucks sake i was damn near homeless at least 4 times over, and i just...cast them aside so i could make some absolute freaks touch themselves to an image i poured so much effort into and then completely forget about it not even a day after.And i put emphasis on some freaks; not everyone who is sexually active and inclined is automatically a fiend hellbent on horrific, disgusting content and ideals. Despite all that I've said here, i do enjoy creating NSFW content and i believe it's very interesting art and people do bring about some fun ideas but so much of it and the way it's consumed is so...trashy. So much of it is about gain and nothing more; no respect paid to characters it may feature or to the artist drew it in any regard possible, and hell even sometimes just outright copy-pasted images or body types that just get praised for the simple reason that they're popular.There was a period in time where i was doing so unbelievably awful, just in the worst moments of my life thus far that i was about this close to throwing myself off of a bridge. Luckily i had friends, my boyfriend, and my aspirations to think about and help me get back to reality; but what if i didn't, right? I'd be remembered for next to nothing. Just that guy who drew some funny porn here and there. The internet doesn't give a damn about people like that, it's sad but it's true; don't fucking deny it. You'd be none the wiser if i was having the most grueling, depressing time in my life, because nobody looks that close or thinks about it. I'm not saying or blaming people for not looking into every stranger or creator on the internet, what I'm saying is that in the state i was i was easily disposable. Hell, i still am as of right now; a month or two from this current point people will forget this entire thing ever happened and find a new person to follow. So it goes.Call me a crybaby, call me emotional (because i am, i am highly emotional about this), say I'm overreacting, say I'm egotistical, or cynical, or that I'm another greedy artist looking to maximize profit, or that half of what I'm saying here is me "taking everything too seriously" or "It's not that deep" but i just don't want to put this out anymore out to any random people who don't at least have some understanding of who i am and what i really enjoy creating, or won't even make some kind of effort to. I've revised this 3-4 times to just add more and more shit that burns deep inside me and i can't even "professionally" put this together because it wouldn't be close to the feeling that I've had on my heart and mind for the longest time now, if the whole page looks like I'm ranting off the top of my head it's because i am. I just needed to get this out someway and i don't have the patience to pick it apart to make it all correct and prim and proper.I'm sure more than a few of you have done the math by now; I'm currently 21 as of writing this and i started near 2016 back on tumblr; meaning i started somewhere in my teens. I'm sincerely so fucking sorry for that, I've been too scared to address it fully in front of the mass audience due to the massive implications of it. I've been getting stomach aches and having cold sweats thinking about it and even now as I'm typing this. I absolutely understand if you're outraged or angry, that's entirely fair, i lied and was up to some shit i had no business in for the longest time; i just ask that you don't blow me up or yell at me about it, I've already had three people rightfully chew me out about it and the feeling is an all-encompassing nightmare to go through. I deserved those, but fuck i can't do that shit en masse. I'm already splitting the scene as is. Block me if you want, hell; report the twitter account if you like. I'm sorry, but nothing i can personally do will 100% remedy it. Another reason i bring it up now is so you can see how that's also part of the reason that i feel the need to make some kind of noticeable change with art and what i create, as well as just..get some kind of separation from the same shit i've been doing for seven years.I'm sure a lot of you who will read this will not understand what I'm saying or how i could possibly feel this way, and that's fine; I've come to understand that the way i see things is so out of the ordinary that it almost makes me feel like I'm speaking an entirely different language.Maybe a very small subset of you will read this and understand where I'm coming from, and to a degree i do hope you manage to find where I'm going or have been paying attention to the hints I've dropped and understand that what I'm putting my work towards is something i feel a lot more passionate about.And i say 'manage to find' very specifically. I won't lie, There are a good handful of people that i know follow me that i hope forget i ever existed; i don't want them tailing me to where I'm headed next because i know too much about them to be comfortable with their presence. It isn't even just large accounts, It's also the small ones who only retweet and like things because of one very small and specific aspect to them. I don't want what i create reduced to that on masse anymore, i hope i already made that clear.So there it is. I've had this on my chest for so long i can't even remember, and it's only gotten heavier. This plan for leaving has been in my mind since the middle of 2022. For fucks sake, i'd been dropping hints about it since then, heavily so during the entirety of December. This didn't happen because of Elon or anything stupid like that (though i do think it's funny that it cropped up as i was gearing up to go), or me getting called out or yelled at. I can only apologize so much if knowing about how i perceive and think about things makes you dislike me, i guess it's better to figure out we wouldn't hypothetically get along here than later down the line.I don't know how to properly close this off; but maybe....As corny and maybe inappropriate as it is to say after me pouring a large chunk of my heart out here:I hope to see at least some of you at the sunset between the static, and i hope you can keep most of this in mind as that project unfolds.

-ā€œGā˜…ā€ & Pesky

Or, who knows, maybe some of you might stick around long enough to see that arcade spattered in neon.